My Short Edinburgh
As you all know by now, I am based in Edinburgh. So thought it's about time I would write something about this great city I live in.
Edinbugrh is the capital of Scotland. However, it is the second largest city in Scotland after Glasgow. Apparently, the population of Edinburgh is 506,520. How they came up with that number, I don't know. Some one is lying. Seem like there are more people here. By the way my nickname for Edinburgh is the city of scafolding. As there is always construction going on. For example, north bridge has been under construction for years. It was meant to open back up at 2020 now prosponed to 2025 because of our imcompetent council or should I say clowncil.
Another contruction that has been going on for year is the stairway near the National Gallarey on princes street. I can't even remember when it shot for maintanace. Something like 10years ago and it is still closed.
With all thos bad stuffs, Edinburgh is still a great city with so much to give and beautiful people. These are some of nice pictures about our beautiful city.